
Tuesday, 12 April 2011

A Fancy Fill In

You know I like to outsource. Didn't birth my own children, don't scrub my own toilets. But that doesn't mean that Fancy isn't willing to roll up her sleeves and do a little work herself from time to time.

My friend, Molly, over at Mother's Always Right is on vacation, if you can believe the nerve of that girl. She starts a great thing like a blog introduction forum and then takes off for who knows where.

Well, I wasn't about to stand by and let a week slip away without meeting some new friends. So I'm taking over Introducing this week and next. And I need your help.

If you are relatively new to the blogging community, or know someone who is, can you send them my way? I'll take comments to the post or you can email me directly at

On Thursday, I'll pick a few of my favorites and share them with the world. Or anyone who cares to listen. And for those of you who already have a gazillion followers, I would kindly ask that you take a few minutes to visit our new friends and say hello.

Alright? Everyone ready? Let's go.


  1. I really do think you are hilarious- in the best way possible. You have to be my most favouritest blogger ever! Have been having serious guilt issues about getting nanny #2 (i only have one 6 month old), she's starting tomorrow and I have been feeling that two nannies is a bit spoilt when I don't work and have a cook/maid.. but I feel all better now! You talk perfect sense! You made my day! Please keep blogging forever!!

  2. I'm new, I'm new!!

    Love your blog by the way ( shameless sucking up :-P )

  3. I'm new-ish, well been blogging around six months but never quite got my head round blog promotion and that kind of thing. So something like this would really help. Sadly no nanny for me but I'm fancy enough to have daddy do the heavy lifting childcare wise now I'm back at work. Not quite a mum version of H though - too much laundry and bathtimes for that.

  4. I'm new-ish too! Also, I think your email is hilarious, Frau Fancy Pants, too cute!

  5. Hey there, as you know, I have just started blogging and at the moment you are my only loyal commenter - so thank you! (I did have a couple of other comments but they never came back!) My blog is charting my weight-loss journey - having gained four stone since having two children - and this time I am determined to shift the fat!
    You have a great blog here Fancy - I will watch and learn! x

  6. Hi, I'm a new expat mummy blogger from the Netherlands

  7. I'm new too, been blogging since Jan xx

  8. Hey there, as you know, I have just started blogging and at the moment you are my only loyal commenter - so thank you! (I did have a couple of other comments but they never came back!) My blog is charting my weight-loss journey - having gained four stone since having two children - and this time I am determined to shift the fat!
    You have a great blog here Fancy - I will watch and learn! x

  9. I'm new, I'm new!!

    Love your blog by the way ( shameless sucking up :-P )
